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Returning Responses

Basic Responses

In any web framework, returning a response can be as simple as returning a string of text or quite complex with all sorts of things like server-side rendering. Right out of the box, View supports returning status codes, headers, and a response without any fancy tooling. A response must contain a body (this is a str), but may also contain a status (int) or headers (dict[str, str]). These may be in any order.

from view import new_app

app = new_app()

async def index():
    return "Hello,", 201, {"x-my-header": "my_header"}

Response Protocol

If you have some sort of object that you want to wrap a response around, gives you the __view_response__ protocol. The only requirements are:

  • __view_response__ is available on the returned object (doesn't matter if it's static or instance)
  • __view_response__ returns data that corresponds to the allowed return values.

For example, a type MyObject defining __view_response__ could look like:

from view import new_app

app = new_app()

class MyObject:
    def __view_response__(self):
        return "Hello from MyObject!", {"x-www-myobject": "foo"}

async def index():
    return MyObject()  # this is ok

Note that in the above scenario, you wouldn't actually need a whole object. Instead, you could also just define a utility function:

def _response():
    return "Hello,!", {"foo": "bar"}

async def index():
    return _response()

Response Objects

View comes with two built in response objects: Response and HTML.

  • Response is simply a wrapper around other responses.
  • HTML is for returning HTML content.

A common use case for Response is wrapping an object that has a __view_response__ and changing one of the values. For example:

from view import new_app, Response

app = new_app()

class Test:
    def __view_result__(self):
        return "test", 201

async def index():
    return Response(Test(), status=200)  # 200 is returned, not 201

Another common case for Response is using cookies. You can add a cookie to the response via the cookie method:

async def index():
    res = Response(...)
    res.cookie("hello", "world")
    return res

cookie has several possible options:

Note that all response classes inherit from Response, meaning you can use this functionality anywhere.


Responses can be returned with a string, integer, and/or dictionary in any order.

  • The string represents the body of the response (e.g. the HTML or JSON)
  • The integer represents the status code (200 by default)
  • The dictionary represents the headers (e.g. {"x-www-my-header": "some value"})

Response objects can also be returned, which implement the __view_response__ protocol. All response classes inherit from Response, which supports operations like setting cookies.