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App Basics

New Applications

Every view project will have a new_app call. The simplest app looks like this:

from view import new_app

app = new_app()

new_app does a few important things:

  • Loads the configuration, regardless of whether a config file exists.
  • Sets the App address for use by get_app (more on that later).
  • Loads finalization code for when the app closes.

While it's not required for every app, naming your app variable app is the proper convention for view, as that's the default variable searched for when using the view serve command, but more on that in a moment.

For now, just try to stick with naming your app file and your view.App instance app.

Launching Apps

Python libraries generally have two ways to run a web server:

  • Running via the command line.
  • Launching from Python itself (e.g. a server.start(...) function).

Both have their benefits and downsides, so supports both out of the box. App comes with its run() method, and the view CLI has the view serve command.

Generally, you're going to want to add an to every project, like so:

from view import new_app

app = new_app()

This way, if you (or someone else) want to run your code programmatically, they can run it via something like python3 It's also more semantically clear that an app is going to start when you run that file.

If you prefer the CLI method, you can just run view serve and will extract the app from the file itself, ignoring the run() call.

Note that this behavior is a double-edged sword, so be careful. When calling with run(), the Python script will never get past that line because the server will run indefinitely, but when using view serve it proceeds past it just fine since all it's doing is extracting the app, skipping run(). For example, take a look at this code:

from view import new_app

app = new_app()
print("you called the app with view serve")  # this only runs when `view serve` is used

Fancy Mode

View comes with something called "fancy mode", which is a fancy UI that shows when you run the app. If you would like to disable this, you can do one of two things:

  • Disable the fancy setting in configuration.
  • Pass fancy=False to run().

You should disable it in the configuration if you completely despise fancy mode and don't want to use it at all, but if you only want to temporarily turn it off (for example, if you're a developer and need to see proper output) then pass fancy=False.

Getting the App

Circular Imports

If you've worked with big Python projects before, there's a good chance you've run into a circular import error. A circular import error occurs when two modules try to import each other. A example of this problem would most likely be the main app file trying to import a route, but then that route tries to import the app.


The below example uses routing, which if you're reading this for the first time you don't know how to use yet. Focus on the use of the app variable and not the routing itself.

from view import new_app
from routes import my_route

app = new_app()
from view import get
from app import app

def something():
    return "something"

def index():
    return "Hello,"

View gives you a solution to this problem: get_app. get_app uses some magic internally to get you your App instance right then and there, no import required. It works similar to how you would use new_app:

from view import get_app

app = get_app()

def index():
    return "..."


Every project should contain a call to new_app. new_app does important things like loading your configuration, set's up finalization code, and letting the App instance be used by get_app.

Running an app can be done in two ways: programmatically via the or through view serve command. However, every app should contain an to give the choice for running programmatically. By default, has a fancy UI when running your app, which may be disabled via editing the config or passing fancy=False to run().

Finally, circular imports occur when two Python modules try to import each other, which can happen a lot in view when getting the app from the app file (especially in manual routing). To fix it, View provides a get_app function to get you your App instance without an import.